Are you in a dark place? Feel like you are never going to make it out?
Have you experienced a time when encouraging words, a hug, or human touch couldn't console or comfort you? Ever been in a position where a car, a house, money, or a promotion would not help your situation?
It’s not until you have been in a position where you could barely control your thoughts and desperately wanted peace, that you realize how much you need God.
Having two strokes at the age of 38, was more than just an eye-opener. It reminded me that life is short. It revealed that life can change in the blink of an eye. It proved to me that God was and still is faithful.
I started this website/blog to encourage anyone who has been or still is in a dark place in their life. I am here to tell you, I don't care how bad or dark your life seems to be, you can make it out!
I can offer you inspiration, guidance and encouragement to help you along your journey. I can tell you all the things I did to make it out. However, I am only human and I cannot offer you any of this without offering you God.
God is the Source.
I extend a warm and heartfelt invitation for you to come along with me on this journey with God. A journey that consists of learning and understanding God's word for the purpose of healing, strength, comfort, peace and love.
Motivational words and quotes are great and will tap into your emotions. But emotions are temporary and alter based on how we feel. In order to invoke true genuine change, it must be done through God. Change comes through God's Word.
My Story
On July 21, 2019, I had two strokes, caused by eight blood clots. At the age of 38, after 5 days in the hospital I was up to seven doctors including a neurologist and neurosurgeon, speech therapy, physical therapy and occupational therapy. After about a month and another ambulance ride back to the hospital, I started to heal.
Even after I begin to heal physically, mentally and spiritually I struggled. I had never experienced depression and more so anxiety like I did after having strokes. Every single day after I arrived home my brain constructed dark thoughts that I wasn't able to control.
At one point I didn't think I would ever be able to shake this debilitating anxiety. This type of anxiety wouldn't let me get out of my bed nor let me leave the house. The type of anxiety that begin to control my life. I tried everything from breathing to medications to gain some control. It wasn't until I completely submitted my life to God that things finally began to change.
It has been almost 4 years since I had my strokes. I thank God because today I have no lasting effects or residue from my strokes.
You believe what you want, there is only one true and living God, that is faithful, can perform the impossible which includes the ability to do anything but fail.