Second Wind
Book Reviews

Spiritual Respiration: I Can Breathe Again
Life is delicate. And what gives us even more perspective is we only have one life to live. Too often, we as Believers miss such a significant yet crucial detail in our life. God created us with a purpose, which means life is meant to be lived purposefully. So many of us fail to acknowledge God has a perfect plan for our lives. God’s plan is so much better than anything we could ever conceive.
In my story, I share some life experiences from my teenage years through my adult life during which God allowed trials and tribulations to take place, but worked it all out for my good. I share how God was the light when I was in such a dark place in my life. A few messages can be extracted from my story. Whether you are a Believer or not, my story gives no glory to a person; my story is a testament to who God is and who He can be if you allow Him to be Lord of your life. However, let me be clear. The most important message I wish to convey throughout the entire book is this: God is faithful.
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Deeper Than a Devotional
Book Reviews

Spiritual Respiration: I Can Breathe Again
In a society where we as Believers are suppose to use scriptures to comfort us, God did not give us His Holy Word to comfort us in our sin. God’s Word should ultimately point us to the path that leads to Jesus.
Yes, people are encouraged by our testimony, how we overcame our struggles and how we made it through. But please remember when you speak on various trials and tribulations you have overcome be careful not to make yourself the hero of the story because in all honesty, who are you?
Despite who you may encourage or inspire with your story, the Scripture is the MOST important part of a devotional. There is no power in a “motivational speech”. The power lies in God’s Holy Word.
I didn’t just write these devotionals to uplift, inspire and encourage. I also wrote them to remind us to remain in a state of accountability. God’s Holy Scriptures are meant to shed light to our dark places. The Scriptures should be a mirror to show you, YOU!