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Writer's pictureTiffany Smith

What’s love got to do with it?

“Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.”


                            John‬ ‭15:13‬ ‭KJV‬‬

If you really begin to dig deep and think on the most prized possession you have, you realize it’s your life. As my previous pastor used to say, “you will be known for one of two things in your life, the problems you caused or the problems you solved.” But ultimately your life is your most prized possession because it’s what you use to secure eternal life. Your life should testify of God and at the same time, you should be securing Heaven.

God loved us so much that he wrapped himself in flesh, shifted his office from father to son, to die on the cross, to be the ultimate sacrifice and wash away our sins. So we could make it to Heaven. In Romans 5:6 it says “For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly.” God died for his children, us who had no power to deliver us from ourselves. He didn’t die for himself as He had no sin. He died while we were yet sinners and no way of being or becoming holy without Him. We were ungodly.

This was also great symbolism of what we would have to do to make it to heaven. We must crucify our flesh. We must die daily and submit to God’s will if we want to make it to Heaven. If we truly love God like we say we do. If we truly love God the way He loves us then we MUST be willing to sacrifice our lives for Him. There is no other choice. This is a sacrificial love. ♥️

Today's thought: What have you sacrificed for the God you say you love

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